“Ketika Kekerasan menodai Dunia Pendidikan”

 “Ketika Kekerasan menodai Dunia Pendidikan”

Ø  Abstrak
Kekerasan adalah salah satu tindakan yang dilakukan seseorang atau individu untuk menyakiti individu lain dan merupakan tindakan yang melanggar hukum. Kekerasan sendiri dapat terjadi dimana saja dan kapan saja. Dunia pendidikan pun tidak luput dari permasalahan ini. Kasus kekerasan dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia sebenarnya banyak sekali dari tahun ke tahun, tapi hanya sedikit yang  tereskspos di masyarakat. Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang kekarasan, efek negatifnya serta kurang tegasnya sanksi yang diberikan menjadikan kasus kekerasan ini semakin banyak terjadi.  Jika hal ini tidak segera ditangani secara serius, maka akan semakin banyak kasus-kasus kekerasan yang akan terjadi dan tentunya hal itu akan menodai dunia pendidikan di Indonesia.
Kata Kunci : Kekerasan, pendidikan.

Tafsir Maudhu’i

Tafsir Maudhu’i

A.      Pengertian Tafsir Maudhu’i
                        Secara bahasa kata maudhu’i berasal dari kata موضوع  yang merupakan isim maf’ul dari kata وضع yang artinya masalah atau pokok pembicaraan, yang berkaitan dengan aspek-aspek kehidupan manusia yang dibentangkan ayat-ayat al-Quran. Berdasarkan pengertian bahasa, secara sederhana metode tafsir maudhu’i ini adalah menafsirkan ayat-ayat Al-quran berdasarkan tema atau topik permasalahan.
Adapun pengertian tafsir maudhu’i (tematik) menurut istilah para ulama ialah “Mengumpulkan ayat-ayat Al-qur’an yang mempunyai tujuan satu yang bersama-sama membahas judul/topik/sektor tertentu dan menerbitkannya sedapat mungkin sesuai dengan masa turunnya selaras dengan sebab-sebab turunnya, kemudian memperhatikan ayat-ayat tersebut dengan penjelasan-penjelasan, keterangan-keterangan dan hubungan-hubungannya dengan ayat-ayat lain, kemudian mengistimbatkan.”
Jadi, Tafsir maudhu’i atau tematik adalah tafsir berperan sangat penting khususnya pada zaman sekarang, karena tafsir maudhu’i dirasa sangat sesuai dengan kebutuhan manusia dan mampu menjawab permasalahan yang ada.Tafsir maudhu’i atau tematik ada berdasar surah Al-Qur’an ada berdasar subjek atau topik.
Sedangkan, Metode tafsir maudhu’i adalah metode tafsir yang berusaha mencari jawaban Al-qur’an dengan cara mengumpulkan ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an yang mempunyai tujuan satu, yang bersama-sama membahas topik atau judul tertentu dan menerbitkannya sesuai dengan masa turunnya selaras dengan sebab-sebab turunnya, kemudian memperhatikan ayat-ayat tersebut dengan penjelasan-penjelasan, keterangan-keterangan, dan hubungan-hubungannya dengan ayat-ayat yang lain kemudian mengambil hukum-hukum darinnya.

Synopsis of “Jane Eyre”

Synopsis of “Jane Eyre”

                                                                Jane Eyre

                    Jane Eyre, an orphan boy living with his family in Gateshead, to be exact with
     an aunt named Mrs.Reeds. Mrs.Reeds have 3 children 1 boy - man is John Reed, and two
     daughters, namely Eliza and Georgina. There, Jane Eyre frequently suffered during her
     childhood, she often gets unfair treatment and not reasonable from relatives - brother, even
     though Mrs.Reeds family maid. Cousin named John frequently insulted and sometimes
     torturous Jane without reason. One day John pelted forehead to bleed Jane with a book, but
     Jane to escape but instead he was sentenced by the Mrs.Reed locked in a room called the
     Red room (room late Mr.Reed). 

Summary simplified of “Pride and prejudice”

Summary simplified of “Pride and prejudice”


When the young man, named Charles Bingley moved into a Netherfield park, it near from Mr.Bennet houses. Because Mr.Bennet has some problem about his wealth. So, he want to marry his daugther with a rich man. Mr.Bennet has five daughter, their name is Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Cathirene and Lydia. And has a wife named Mrs.Bennet.
Mr.Bennet make a party to receive Mr.Bingley. In the party, Mr.Bingley was come with his two sister, it is named Mrs.Caroline Bingley and Mr.Hurst. and his beast friend, Mr.Darcy. People was appreciate Mr.Bingley a good looking; in contrast people was appreciate Mr.Darcy a arrogant. In the party too, Mr.Bingley meet with Jane and they was falling in love. But not with Elizabeth, she was not like with Mr.Darcy because she think Mr.Darcy was aroggant. And from beginning, they always build a mistake.
One day, Mrs.Caroline invated a daughter of Mr.Bennet. And when Jane arrive in Mrs.Caroline houses, she was sick and it make Elizabeth must go to there to look her sister. And, in there she always meet with Mr.Darcy and without realizing Mr.Darcy extracted with Elizabeth. And, when Mr.Darcy meet with Mr.Wickham, they looked not like with another. Mr.Wickham disfigure Mr.Darcy to Elizabeth and make Elizabeth was angry. One day, Elizabeth visit Mrs.Charlotte and Mr.Collins in Kent. And they invate Elizabeth to visit Mrs.Catherine houses, she was aunt of Mr.Darcy. Mrs.Catherine want to marry her daughter with Mr.Darcy. In there, she meet with Mr.Darcy cousin, Mr.Fitzwilliam. He said to Elizabeth, that Mr.Darcy was helped his beast friend from the bad girl. And she realize, it is Jane. This news make Elizabeth enraged with Mr.Darcy. And when Mr.Darcy tell she about he loved with Elizabeth, she was scold Mr.Darcy.

Summary simplified of “The three musketeers”

Summary simplified of “The three musketeers”.


The story begins with a young man named D’Artagnan, who left his home town and traveled to Paris to seek his fortune to become a Musketeer, with old yellow horse and a letter of introduction to Treville, the captain of musketeers. But, instead of manage submit the letter, D’Artagnan lost it in the middle of his trip. Whereas, the letter can not help he to become a musketeers. Disheartened by the loss of the letter, but not nonetheless full of gascon spirit, D’Artagnan rides to Paris and finds the home of Treville. When he meet Treville, he explains the story of how he lost the letter. However, before the interview can continue, D’Artagnan rushed from the room. He had see his enemy, the man from meung, walking down the street. In a state of fury, D’Artagnan was rushing towards the strais when he ran against a musketeers. He make mistake to three Musketeers. He bump one of musketeers. So, Athos tell to D’Argtagnan to duel with them. But, the duel was cancelled because of cardinal’s guard. Dueling is against the law, and they declare their intention to arrest the Muskeers. Mindful of de Treville’s speech earlier, the three musketeers swear they won’t allow it, and prepare to fight. In a flash decision, D’Artagnan joins the ranks of the musketeers against the Cardinal’s guards. The fight starts, and D’Argagnan is the hero of the day. He defeats the leader of the Cardinal’s guard troop, and rescues the wounded Athos from his own assailant.
The fight was diceussed everywhere. Treville scolded his musketeers in public. But, congratulated them in private. The king himself was amused. And met these young man who had defeated five of the cardinal’s bravest guardsmen. He was astonished that D’Argtagnan should have conqured Jussac. And then, the king gives the young Gascon a forty pistoles to show his gratitude.

Summary simplified of “Alice’s adventures in wonderland”

Summary simplified of “Alice’s adventures in wonderland”


One day in a Summer Day, Alice was sitting beside her sister under the trees . She is very bored, her sister was reading and she had nothing to do. When suddenly, she look interesting. A White Rabbit with a watch in the pocket . The White Rabbit ran down a large rabbit-hole,and Alice followed it too. It was a very strange hole. Alice was falling very slowly, and she had time to think and to look around her. But, it so difficult because it was so dark.
In the hole, alice looked the White Rabbit, who was hurrying away and still talking to himselft. Alice ran after him like thw wind. She was getting very near him when he suddenly turned acornrer. Alice ran round the corner too. She was now in a long dark room with doors all round the walls, and she could not see the White Rabbit. She tried to open the doors, but they were are locked. Then she saw a very small gold key, and she quickly took the key and tried it in all the doors. But, she could not open any of the doors. She was sadly. Then she saw another door, a door was a small and the little gold key unlocked this door easily. In the door Alice looked a beautiful garden with green trees and bright flowers,  she wants to get to beautiful garden. But, its so difficult because she was too big.
After a while she locked the door again, got up and went back to the glass table. She put the key and then see saw a little bottle on the table. Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words “DRINK ME” in a large letters. But, Alice was a careful girl, she drank a little bit very slowly an very soon Alice finished the bottle. A few minutes later she was smaller, so she was happy . she ran at once to door, when she got there, she remembered that the little gold key was back on the glass table. She ran back to the table for it, but of course, she was now much too small. She tired very hard to cilmb up the table leg, but she could not do it. She was tired and sadly.

Summary simplified of “The man of property”

Summary simplified of “The man of property”.


In June 15th, 1886, was important day for the Forsytes family. For the first time, Old Jolyon Forsyte, the head of the family, was giving an afternoon party in his house. The party was to celebrate the engagement of Old Jolyon’s grand-daughter, June, to Philip Bosinney. For the first time too, Philip Bosinney meet with the Forsytes. but, the family seems do not like Philip. Old Jolyon was much more worried because he belived that the young man did not really love June enough. Except, for June. She like with Philip.
            In the party, June introduce Irine to Philips. And without there realizing, they fell in love and cause a love affair in the forsyte family. Because Iren had a husband, its Soames part of Forsytes family. Soames decided to build a beatifull house for Irene and hired Philips as the architect. But without the agreed with there, apparently Irene was falling in love with Philips and it make Soames was angry. He gave Irene everything, but she gave him nothing.