Summary simplified of “The man of property”

Summary simplified of “The man of property”.


In June 15th, 1886, was important day for the Forsytes family. For the first time, Old Jolyon Forsyte, the head of the family, was giving an afternoon party in his house. The party was to celebrate the engagement of Old Jolyon’s grand-daughter, June, to Philip Bosinney. For the first time too, Philip Bosinney meet with the Forsytes. but, the family seems do not like Philip. Old Jolyon was much more worried because he belived that the young man did not really love June enough. Except, for June. She like with Philip.
            In the party, June introduce Irine to Philips. And without there realizing, they fell in love and cause a love affair in the forsyte family. Because Iren had a husband, its Soames part of Forsytes family. Soames decided to build a beatifull house for Irene and hired Philips as the architect. But without the agreed with there, apparently Irene was falling in love with Philips and it make Soames was angry. He gave Irene everything, but she gave him nothing.

When the house was finished, Irene did not want to leave London to move out to their new house, she wants to beside Bosinney everyday. Then, Irene dissapeared. She was looking for bosinney and left Soames with no wealth in her hand.
One day, Philips was dead about an accident. And the Forsytes family comes to hospital to see Philips. When Soames back to his house, he saw Irene was sitting by the fire in the darkness. Irene knew that  Philips was dead, and it make Irene come back to Soames’s house because she had nowhere else to go. And it makes Soames was confuse with his felling, because part of him wanted to let Irene go and never come back to his house. But, in the part of him think that Irene cannot leave he now.

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