Types of essay

The types of essay.
1.      Chronological order.
Telling the story, narrative essay.
2.      Order of importance.
3.      Combination (Chronological order and order of importance)

The types of introductory paragraph.
·         Genaral to spesific.
    Start out board (general information about your topic) and then narrow down to your thesis.
·         Anacdote.
   Tell a story.
·         Historical / facts / statistics.
   Some historical background on your topic.

Introductory paragraphs should :

§  Make the reader interested.
Why should i read your essay?
§  Introduce the subject of the essay to the reader.
§  Contain the thesis (usually the last sentences).

Introductory paragraph should not :
§   Be too detailed.
§   Have irrelevant information.
§   Have less than three sentences.

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