Synopsis of “Jane Eyre”

Synopsis of “Jane Eyre”

                                                                Jane Eyre

                    Jane Eyre, an orphan boy living with his family in Gateshead, to be exact with
     an aunt named Mrs.Reeds. Mrs.Reeds have 3 children 1 boy - man is John Reed, and two
     daughters, namely Eliza and Georgina. There, Jane Eyre frequently suffered during her
     childhood, she often gets unfair treatment and not reasonable from relatives - brother, even
     though Mrs.Reeds family maid. Cousin named John frequently insulted and sometimes
     torturous Jane without reason. One day John pelted forehead to bleed Jane with a book, but
     Jane to escape but instead he was sentenced by the Mrs.Reed locked in a room called the
     Red room (room late Mr.Reed). 

                        When Jane was in the room, he experienced a strange occurrence. He saw
     something that he thought was deceased uncle. Jane screaming in horror, he asks for help,
     but the effort is worth - nothing, no one to help him in the house. After the incident, Jane
     fellill. He was treated by a doctor named Mr.Llyod, he also was the one who suggested
     Mrs.Reed that Jane Eyre be sent to a school. After a few days later Jane is sent to Lowood
     School Institutional, a place where orphans are educated, which was founded by Naomi
     Brocklehurst as well as the school's financial donors. There, Jane learned to read, music and
     drawing. Circumstances in Lowood not so prosperous, often children - pupils eat their
     porridge eating burnt or crusty bread provided by the boarding party. Jane does not have
     many friends, he was a loner, sometimes he talks with Helen. Over time they become
     familiar. Jane got a lot of experience and little knowledge of the religion of Helen. However,
     one day plague thypus Lowood school attack caused by clothing and food are not adequate,
  especially winter. Outbreaks of the disease cause many students attacked to death, and       among them is Helen. Jane is very sad to lose the only friend. From then on the surrounding community began to pay attention to Lowood school, and Mr.Blockerhurst no longer holds the school entirely right.
Jane stayed at Lowood for 8 years, 6 years as a student and 2 years into  teachers.    This is because when the Lowood is in a state of crisis and shortage of teachers. In addition, Jane's favorite teacher is Mrs.Temple exit resign because he is getting married. At the same time also, Jane has a desire to gain experience and would like to see the outside world, he wanted to feel the freedom of himself as an individual and would like to find a decent job and according to her ability. One day he was reading the newspaper and contains about a job opening for a tutor. Jane very interested, he did not wait long for it, he sends his proposal. The poorer job application gets a reply from Mrs.Paitfax, he asks Jane to immediately come to Thornfield.

                 Once there, Jane experienced excellent treatment and he feels comfortable. At Thornfield, she taught a little girl named Adele Varens is the son of his mistresses Mr.Rochester, owner of Thornfield. When Jane was in Thornfield, he experienced many strange occurrences. Starting from the laughter of a woman who is very scary coming from one of the rooms when he is running. Then he met Mrs.Pairfax. The fire occurred in the Mr.Rochester room when she was sleeping, and behavior Mrs.Poole. Bridal veils and Jane who arrived - arrived damaged. All new gaffe missed it when he will get married with Mr.Rochester.
Previous Jane and Mr.Rochester became good friends and a lot of discussion Adele neighbor learning progress, the discussion of subjects that will be given by Jane, but not infrequently also they discuss the life they lead.

                    Once they close, they decided to get married. When they do the blessing came one claiming to be the sister of his wife's previous Mr.rochester Bertha Antoinetta Manson who was once married to Mr.Rochester. But the marriage did not last long because Bertha has a mental disorder, he was locked up in one room in the house Thornfield and Mrs.Poole are people who are paid by Mr.Rochester to take care Mrs.Bertha. and ternyarta all oddities - Jane experienced by the peculiarities caused by Mrs.Bertha because he was jealous of Jane Eyre to be married to her husband. Richard is his sister Jane and Mrs.Bertha successfully blocking Mr.Rochester for a wedding. Mrs. Bertha died when a fire incident occurred at Thornfield, then tried to burn Mrs.Bertha wedding dress Jane Eyre and burning mattress Mr.Rochester, when Richard came to see him, they baradu mouth and Mrs. Bertha Jane drive. When Mr.Rochester stonewall - obstruct Mrs. Bertha, Mrs.Bertha even jump off the roof and eventually died. All of the incident shock membuiat Jane Eyre Thornfield he left without a penny of money, and do not carry any goods. Only the clothes he was wearing. He can not stand with what happened to him.
Jane walking alone down the street with a very weak physical state and almost fainted. He toolbar - around in the city to Whitcross, he slept in the open, cold, rain and starvation, until finally he arrives at MarsEnd. In a helpless state, he arrived home disebuah. He knocked on the door of the house. A woman opened the door, but instead he drove Jane. Jane did not move away from the house because he had not had power, he tried to beg ask for a little food but the maid did not love at all. Shortly thereafter came a boy, the homeowner called St.John Rivers. He is a pastor and has 2 sisters that Diana and Mary. Both work as a nanny and a maid named Hannah. St.John Rivers brings Jane into the house and told his aides and relatives caring sister Jane.
They take care of Jane Eyre to recover, even Diana and Mary taught him German. After a short time later, Jane St.John ask for help to find a job for him because Jane does not want to bother the people who have helped him and does not want to depend on them forever. But St. John forbidden. A few weeks later MarsEnd St.John already closed because the family did not have money anymore. Marry and Diana had to go back to work teaching, while Jane worked as a teacher and leader of the women's school established by St.John. One day St.John brings happy news, he said that Jane Eyre still has family that is his uncle. This is absolutely different from what is said by Mrs. Reed that Jane has been bereft of a nobody, he was alone. St.John reported that his uncle was still alive and he had come to the residence Mrs.Reeds Thornfield, Jane asks existence, but Mrs.Reed said that Jane had died when he got the plague at Lowood school. It turns out that Jane's uncle left her property as inheritance, and again the good news is that Jane and St.John cousins
Uncle Jane asked them back to MarsEnd and Jane share of his estate to them.

                    After a long settling back in MarsEnd, St.John and Jane Eyre becomes familiar. St.John, a pastor and frequent broadcast of Protestant Christianity, has a feeling of sympathy for Jane and Jane would like to invite around Asia while the religious broadcast. But Jane still undecided with the offer, in his heart he still remembers Mr.Rochester and he hopes to be reunited. One day, when Jane Eyre and St.John was walking around while talking about his plans, arrived - arrived Jane Hear the cry of a man called namaya. Jane looking for the source of the sound. Jane said goodbye to his cousin to seek Mr.Rochester to Thornfield.
Arriving there Jane was amazed at the state of the ruined Thornfield, a case which he remembers in a dream before he went to church to find out what's going on and how things Thornfield Mr.Rochester of a pastor. The priest said Thornfield burned by Mr.Rochester wife crazy, while Mr.Rochester themselves become disabled and blind while trying to help his wife, and now lives with her
​​maid Mr.Rochester in Ferudean. Arriving at Thornfield and meets with Mr.Rochester, Jane decided to stay there together with Mr.Rochester, and eventually they were married. When St.John receiving the news, he still did his trip to Asia for mission misonarisnya.  Jane and Mr.Rochester live happily, when Jane gave birth to her first child, health Mr.Rochester recovered and blind eyes can see again.

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